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Service Rates


Service Rates in Fleetops are used to calculate delivery fees automatically when a new order is created.

Users can link service rates to specific order types (see Order Configuration section) and even create custom algorithims to calulate service rate fees.

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Create Service Rates

Once you have navigated to the Service Area section, you can create a new Service Rate by clicking 'New'

  1. Service Name - This is the name for your service rate.
  2. Service Order Type - Restricting this service rate to the order type means, when you create the order and select the specific service type, only this rate calculation will be used.
  3. Base Fee - The standard base fee you want to set for this service rate.
  4. Rate Calculation Method
    • Fixed Meter - This option defines a fixed fee per kilometer.
    • Per Meter - this optons allows the service to be calculated per kilometer or meter, this means you define a flat fee which is then multiplied by the distance which can be either meter or kilometer.
    • Per Drop-off - This options defines a dixed fee per drop-offs
    • Custom Algorithm - This option is to define a custom calculation for this service's fee with variables. Note that variables must be wrapped in a single curly brace.
  5. Duration Terms - You can add additional terms of service regarding duration for this service rate.
  6. Cash on Delivery - Toggle this to enable cash on delivery for orders.
  7. Peak Hours - Toggle this to add an additional fee for peak hours.
  8. Restrict Service - Restrict this service to an order type, you can learn more about this in the Order Configuration.

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