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Install with Docker


Before starting the installation, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Docker: Docker must be installed on the host machine. Ensure Docker Compose is also available for managing multi-container Docker applications.
  • Git: Required for source code management.
  • Environment: Prepare a production environment, preferably a virtual or dedicated server.
  • Domain Names: Have domain names ready for the API and console, and ensure they are pointed to your server.
  • SSL Certificates: For HTTPS, prepare SSL certificates. You can obtain these from a certificate authority or use Let’s Encrypt for free certificates.

Installation Steps

1. Clone the Repository

Start by cloning the Fleetbase repository into a suitable directory on your server:

git clone && cd fleetbase

2. Configure Docker Containers

Edit or create a docker-compose.override.yml file to suit production needs. This may involve configuring volumes for persistent data, adjusting environment variables, and ensuring proper network settings are applied. You can also create a api/.env file to configure environment variables for Fleetbase. You can read more about configuration in the configuration section of this guide.

Example for Docker (docker-compose.override.yml):

This file can be used to overwrite default environment variables which are set in the docker-compose.yml file which ships with Fleetbase.

- DATABASE_URL=mysql://user:password@db:3306/fleetbase
- REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379

Example for Source (.env):


Environment Variables for Fleetbase

  • APP_URL: The URL where your Fleetbase API is accessible. For development, you might use localhost.
  • CONSOLE_HOST: The URL for the Fleetbase console. This is required for CORS configuration.
  • DATABASE_URL: The full database connection URL, including username, password, host, and database name.
  • STOREFRONT_DB_CONNECTION: The database connection name for the storefront.
  • QUEUE_CONNECTION: Defines the queue backend, which in this case is Redis.
  • CACHE_DRIVER: Specifies Redis as the caching backend.
  • CACHE_PATH: The file path for storing cache files, useful if file-based caching is used.
  • CACHE_URL: The URL for the Redis cache server.
  • REDIS_URL: The URL for the Redis server used for caching and queues.
  • SESSION_DOMAIN: The domain under which sessions are valid.
  • BROADCAST_DRIVER: The technology used for broadcasting real-time messages.
  • MAIL_FROM_NAME: Default name used in emails sent by the system.
  • APP_NAME: The name of your application.
  • LOG_CHANNEL: Specifies how application logging is handled.
  • MODEL_CACHE_ENABLED: Toggle to enable/disable model caching.
  • RESPONSE_CACHE_ENABLED: Toggle to enable/disable response caching.
  • RESPONSE_CACHE_DRIVER: Specifies the caching driver for responses.
  • MAIL_MAILER: Defines the mail backend, for example: Sendgrid, SES (Amazon Simple Email Service), Postmark.
  • IPINFO_API_KEY: API key for IPInfo service, if used.
  • GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY: API key for Google Maps services.
  • GOOGLE_MAPS_LOCALE: Locale setting for Google Maps.
  • TWILIO_SID: Account SID for Twilio, used for sending SMS.
  • TWILIO_TOKEN: Authentication token for Twilio.
  • TWILIO_FROM: The phone number from which Twilio SMS are sent.
  • SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN: The DSN for Sentry, used for error tracking.
  • OSRM_HOST: The OSRM server to use, defaults to

3. Build and Start Services

Use Docker Compose to build and start the services. The -d flag runs them in detached mode:

docker-compose up --build -d

4. Access the Application Container

Enter the application container to perform initial setup tasks:

# On OSX or others the application name might be "fleetbase-application-1"
docker exec -ti fleetbase_application_1 bash

5. Run the Deployment Script

Execute the deployment script within the container to configure the database and other components:



Configuration involves setting up environment variables and integrating external services.

Fleetbase API Configuration

Configure environment variables in the Docker Compose file or a separate .env file for the API:

  • CONSOLE_HOST: The URL for the Fleetbase console. Required for CORS configuration.
  • DATABASE_URL: Full database connection string.
  • REDIS_URL: Connection string for Redis.
  • MAIL_DRIVER: Set up for production email sending.

Fleetbase Console Configuration

Modify the environment settings in the Docker setup for the console:

  • API_HOST: Set this to the production API URL.
  • SOCKETCLUSTER_HOST, SOCKETCLUSTER_PORT: Ensure these are configured for real-time functionalities.

OSRM Configuration

If using a custom OSRM service, configure the OSRM_HOST environment variable for both the console and the API.

Integrating SSL Certificates

Set up SSL certificates for secure communication:

  • Use certbot or a similar tool to generate and configure SSL certificates for your domains.
  • Configure HTTPS redirection and SSL termination in the Nginx or Caddy configuration within Docker.

Scheduler and Worker Configuration

Ensure the scheduler and workers are correctly set up to handle background tasks:

# Scheduler configuration for production
FROM scheduler as scheduler
ENTRYPOINT ["/sbin/ssm-parent", "-c", ".ssm-parent.yaml", "run", "--"]
CMD ["go-crond", "--verbose", "root:./crontab"]

Verify and Monitor

After deployment, verify all components are functioning correctly:

  • Access the Fleetbase console via its domain.
  • Check connectivity between services.
  • Monitor logs and performance to ensure stability.

Backup and Maintenance

Set up regular backups for your databases and persistent volumes. Plan for regular maintenance updates and monitor Docker containers and services.


This guide provides a comprehensive approach to deploying Fleetbase in a production environment using Docker. It covers the initial setup, configuration of essential components, and considerations for security and maintenance. Adjustments might be needed based on specific infrastructure or additional requirements.