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Upgrading Fleetbase involves pulling the latest changes from the Git repository, resolving any merge conflicts, and updating dependencies and configurations as needed. This guide provides instructions for both Docker and source installations.

Upgrading Fleetbase with Docker

Step 1: Pull Latest Changes

Navigate to your Fleetbase installation directory and use Git to fetch the latest updates:

cd /fleetbase
git pull origin main --no-rebase

Step 2: Resolve Merge Conflicts

If you encounter merge conflicts after pulling the latest changes, you'll need to resolve these manually. Open the conflicting files and make the necessary changes to integrate new updates with your custom configurations.

Step 3: Rebuild Docker Containers

After resolving any conflicts and committing the changes, you need to rebuild your Docker containers to apply the updates:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build -d

This will stop the current containers, rebuild them with the latest changes, and restart them in detached mode.

Upgrading Fleetbase from Source

Step 1: Pull Latest Changes

Just like with Docker, start by navigating to your Fleetbase directory and pulling the latest changes:

cd /fleetbase
git pull origin main --no-rebase

Step 2: Resolve Merge Conflicts

Handle any merge conflicts that arise during the Git pull, ensuring that your modifications are preserved while incorporating the latest updates.

Step 3: Update API Dependencies

Navigate to the API directory and run Composer to update PHP dependencies:

cd /fleetbase/api
composer install

This step ensures that all backend dependencies are up to date with the versions specified in composer.json.

Step 4: Run Deployment Script

Execute the deployment script to apply database migrations and other necessary setup procedures:


Step 5: Rebuild the Console

Finally, move to the console directory and rebuild the frontend to apply any changes:

cd /fleetbase/console
pnpm install # Ensure all dependencies are up to date
pnpm build --environment production

Post-Upgrade Verification

After completing the upgrade, verify that everything is running smoothly:

  • Check the application logs for any errors or warnings.
  • Test the functionality to ensure all components are working as expected.
  • Verify that the API and console are accessible and responsive.


This guide provides a structured approach to upgrading Fleetbase, whether you are using Docker or a traditional source installation. By following these steps, you can ensure that your Fleetbase deployment takes advantage of the latest features and improvements while maintaining stability and security.